Dr Thilo Schönfeld, Aerospace Valley

Dr Thilo Schönfeld, Aerospace Valley

Dr Thilo Schönfeld, Aerospace Valley


Following his master degree (Dipl.-Ing.), earned in 1988 of Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), he has stayed as software development engineer at the Swedish National Aerospace Research Center (today FOI) in Stockholm. In 1993 he has obtained a PhD doctoral degree in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) awarded by the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France).

From 1993 to 2001 he had occupied several scientific positions at the semi-private non-profit research center CERFACS in Toulouse. Scientific work was focused on computational flow simulations related to wake vortices and to combustion phenomena in helicopter engine configurations. In 2001 he was appointed as managing director of the CFD software provider AEA Technology (today ANSYS group) located in Paris.

In 2003, he became consultant in the field of project management while part time employed by the CNRT-Aeronautique & Espace. In 2007 he joined the competitiveness cluster Aerospace Valley located in Toulouse in this current position as Deputy Director for International Affairs. His activities focus the international business development of small and medium sized companies member of Aerospace Valley. Further activities comprise the institutional relations with European and international aerospace clusters as well as R&D activities including the role as project evaluation expert under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme run by the European Commission.